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We are a New South Wales based health promotion organisation specialising in HIV prevention, HIV support and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex …

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Seen and Heard. What made you want to look up intersexual?Please tell us where you read or heard it (including the quote, if possible).

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May 03, 2018 · Want music and videos with zero ads? Get YouTube Red.

The Planned Parenthood glossary offers a robust list of sexual and reproductive health terms so you can stay up-to-date on the latest terminology.

Transgender and Intersex Africa. Transgender and Intersex Africa (TIA) is an organisation founded in 2010 by African transgender individuals to advocate for the rights of Transgender and Intersex constituents in rural settlements.

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What is Intersex? Intersex is the medical term for a wide range of conditions, some genetic in nature, others caused by other factors. All have in common that the person with the condition would not be strictly defined as being biologically male or female.

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Cinema of Argentina refers to the film industry based in Argentina.The Argentine cinema comprises the art of film and creative movies made within the nation of Argentina or by Argentine filmmakers abroad.

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A new report from the Human Rights Watch and interACT, an intersex advocacy organization, shows that these surgeries — which are often performed before intersex ren can give consent — are unwanted by many intersex people. — brittney mcnamara, Teen Vogue, “Report Calls For End to Surgeries on Intersex People …

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Feb 05, 2018 · What was Elisa Lam up to in that elevator? Does that clip really change at midnight? What happened in the catacombs?

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