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Masturbation Before Marriage

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Masturbation Before Marriage 92

All your questions about mutual masturbation in Christian marriage answered. Is it OK? How to start? How can we connect and share this experience?

Masturbation And The Bible. by Lambert Dolphin . Introduction Both the Old Testament and the New Testament of our Bibles are unequivocal in teaching that God created human sexual expression when He created everything else, and that His intention has always been for sexual expression to be confined to marriage–between one man and one …

Masturbation is the sexual stimulation of one’s own genitals for sexual arousal or other sexual pleasure, usually to the point of orgasm. The stimulation may involve hands, fingers, everyday objects, sex toys such as vibrators, or combinations of these.

Masturbation Before Marriage 101

Masturbation Before Marriage 3

I’ve heard people say the Bible is not clear on this question. I disagree, and here’s why —

Learn about Jewish law regarding sexual relations, contraception, abortion, and the separation of a menstruating woman.

Marriage is the process by which two people make their relationship public, official, and permanent. It is the joining of two people in a bond that putatively lasts until death, but in practice is increasingly cut short by divorce.

Biblical account. After Onan’s man Er died, his man Judah told him to fulfill his duty to his man by entering into a levirate marriage with …

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Is masturbation a sin? Everyone knows in their hearts that masturbation is evil and a sin and against the natural law; What does the Bible Say about Masturbation?

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A Woman’s Guide to Masturbation. What is masturbation? Masturbation is stimulation of the genitals for the purpose of advancing sexual arousal.

Does that sound like a loaded question to you? Loaded or not, this is a question that more and more believers are asking — and in all

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